Mikalah Mazuera, M.P.A.
Mikalah Mazuera is a Program Advisor with the D’Aniello Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) and also a proud Navy spouse. Prior to this position, Mazuera worked in Academic Affairs at Old Dominion University while working on her Master’s in Public Administration with a concentration in Multi-Sector Public Service. Her undergraduate education was in Women’s Studies with a minor in Psychology. She’s passionate about serving marginalized communities and giving back to the military community as her father served 16 years in the Coast Guard before being medically discharged. Mazuera feels that she has a keen understanding of the difficulties that accompany transitioning from military to civilian life. She’s responsible for maintaining open lines of communication with IVMF students and assists with questions or concerns regarding certificate coursework, program offerings, and career advice. She also contributes to the team’s overall student retention goals.
When she’s not working, she’s chasing after her toddler, going on food adventures, and exploring Jacksonville.