Assistant Director | Development and External Relations

Margaret Lambrecht serves as the assistant director for the D’Aniello Institute for Veteran and Military Families (IVMF) and the Office of Veteran and Military Affairs (OVMA) development team. Margaret is  responsible for developing and managing the donor stewardship and recognition plan, annual giving program, new donor welcome process, proposal and gift reporting and assists with veteran and military-connected events for the IVMF and OVMA.

Margaret joined Syracuse University in 2004. In her time at Syracuse University, she served as the executive assistant providing support to the vice chancellor for the Strategic Initiatives and Innovation.  Previously to her role as executive assistant, Margaret served as the assistant to the director of international advancement and external affairs at Syracuse University.

Previously, Margaret was the director of campaign and community relations for the United Way for Cortland County, where she directed the largest fund-raising campaign in the history of the organization. Prior to the United Way, she was employed by Alliance Bank for nine years, where she worked as an audit assistant for the audit department and branch operations supervisor for two retail branches, eventually managing the bank’s entire IRA portfolio.