Leaders at IVMF and OVMA Share Their Knowledge at a Conference Dedicated to Empowering Student Veterans

IVMF and OVMA staff members share veteran-friendly practices and STEM career opportunities to audience of more than 1,700 at conference aimed at empowering student veterans.

Leaders from the Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) at Syracuse University and the Office of Veterans and Military Affairs (OVMA) at Syracuse University presented to more than 1,700 higher education professionals, veterans, advocates, and veterans organization representatives at this year’s Student Veterans of America (SVA) national conference (NatCon). Nicholas Armstrong, Ph.D., Senior Director of Research and Policy, Rosalinda Maury, Director of Applied Research and Analytics, Misty Stutsman, Director of the Center of Excellence for Veteran Entrepreneurship (CoE) and Coalition for Veteran Owned Business (CVOB), along with Mirza Tihic, Assistant Director of the Office of Veteran & Military Affairs shared research and served on panels at this year’s national event. The conference focused on topics such as how to create veteran-friendly graduate degree programs and how to align military skills with Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) careers.

“Syracuse University is committed to be the best place for veterans. As such, the SVA NatCon enables us to share our successes with other institutions of higher education, which in return enables us to serve those who have served beyond the Syracuse University campus,” says Tihic.

Tihic and Maury shared case studies published in September on Syracuse University’s “Orange Door” initiative as part of a two-part session on post-baccalaureate career paths. Maury later gave an original presentation entitled “Military to STEM: Motivation to Serve Education, and Post-Military Careers” adapted from the Institute’s Missing Perspectives research series.

“While we know many military jobs are technically focused and often encourage education after service, the significance of the STEM fields is not often emphasized or studied in post-service education and occupation,” says Maury.

Stutsman sat on a panel discussion regarding new programs for veteran entrepreneurs. Specifically, the Coalition for Veteran Owned Business (CVOB), a program that connects business owners with Fortune 500 supply chains.

“We live by the motto ‘in service to those who have served’ and there is no better way to serve then to help guide those veterans through knowledge transfer and resources,” says Stutsman. “The IVMF hosts myriad of programs throughout the year and this list is only growing, thus it is important to let this next generation of veterans know what is out there so they can take part of whichever cutting edge program helps them with their journey.”

This year’s conference, held January 5th through 7th in Anaheim, California marks the 9th annual national conference hosted by the Student Veterans of America. The theme was “Empowering Tomorrow’s Leaders,” and attendees were able to select from 48 breakout sections along topic tracks including career readiness, student success, higher education, and research, among others. Conference highlights included the 5th Annual Business Plan Competition and the announcement of initial results from the National Veterans Educational Success Tracker (NVEST)—SVA’s partnership with the Department of Veterans Affairs and the National Veterans Clearinghouse. The conference also allowed veterans to network with higher education representatives as well as representatives from over 30 industry-leading companies and nonprofit organizations. For more information on the IVMF and the SVA visit IVMF.

About the Institute for Veterans and Military Families at Syracuse University
The Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) is the first interdisciplinary national institute in higher education focused on the social, economic, education, and policy issues impacting veterans and their families. Through its professional staff and experts, the IVMF delivers leading programs in career, vocational, and entrepreneurship education and training, while also conducting actionable research, policy analysis, and program evaluations. The IVMF also supports communities through collective impact efforts that enhance delivery and access to services and care. The Institute, supported by a distinguished advisory board, along with public and private partners, is committed to advancing the lives of those who have served in America’s armed forces and their families. For more information, visit IVMF and follow the IVMF on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.

About Syracuse University’s Office of Veteran and Military Affairs (OVMA)
The Office of Veteran and Military Affairs (OVMA) serves as Syracuse University’s single point of entry for all veteran and military related programs and initiatives. It collaborates and coordinates with stakeholders to serve veterans, military connected students, and military family members who are students or employees at Syracuse University. For more information visit the Office of Veteran and Military Affairs.

About The Student Veteran Association (SVA)
SVA is the country’s premier organization for student veterans. SVA supports all veterans through their transition from the military, educational advancement, and career growth. SVA represents a network of 1,400 chapters on campuses in all 50 states and four countries representing more than 550,000 student veterans at those colleges and universities. For more information, visit the Student Veteran Association.