Women in the Military: From Service to Civilian Life

88 percent of female service members reported that joining the military was a good decisionThis Women in the Military: From Service to Civilian Life infographic provides key highlights on women in service along with invaluable data on women veterans.

The information and statistics in this document is from our various data collection efforts centered on military life, transition, employment, entrepreneurship, and higher education. Data highlights include the following:

  • Population
    • There are over 2 million female veterans. Female post-9/11 veterans are one of the fastest growing population and represent 17% of the post-9/11 veterans’ population
  • Military Service
    • Top motivations for women entering the military include educational benefits, opportunity to pursue new experiences, adventures, or travel, desire to serve country, sense of purpose, and career opportunities.
  • Most Significant Transition Challenges:
    • Navigating VA programs, benefits, and services
    • Finding a job
    • Financial struggles
    • Depression
  • Employment
    • Female veterans earn less than male veterans.

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