Independence Day: A Message from Maureen Casey

By Maureen Casey, IVMF Chief Operating Officer

As we approach the 4th of July holiday, many of us are planning to mark this historic day with picnics, concerts, fireworks and/or other displays of patriotism…all fitting ways to recognize the signing of the Declaration of Independence. While doing this, we might want to take a moment to think about the words of Ronald Reagan:  “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.”

Just a few days ago, we recognized the 45th anniversary of the all-volunteer force – men and women who volunteer to wear our nation’s uniform and agree to fight to protect the freedoms we cherish. I am deeply grateful for their actions and for the opportunity to be a part of an organization that works tirelessly in service to those who have served and their families.

In case you have not seen it, click here to watch Dr. Mike Haynie’s TEDx Talk – “The Moral Obligation to Know Our Veterans.” It’s still as relevant today as it was when he delivered it in 2014. As President Reagan alluded to, if we are to continue to enjoy those freedoms we cherish, it will require a willingness of men and women to continue to volunteer to protect and defend them – if that is to happen, these men and women must believe they will be better off for their service. As Mike says in his talk, we must, therefore, be vested in their future – I believe we are by the work we do every day, yet we need to help others to be equally vested.

Thank you to all of those who contribute to our military-connected community. Have a safe and enjoyable holiday.