National Veterans Small Business Week – Chris Dambach Interview

It’s national Veterans Small Business week and Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans (EBV) and Veteran EDGE alum spoke with Dave Allen on his podcast. Chris talks about his transition out of the military and discovering the IVMF that changed life.

“IVMF said, ‘why didn’t you come check us out? It’s the 30-day online course and on-campus residency and we think you get a lot out of it.’ So I threw my name in the hat and I went up there and I was surrounded with 35 other veterans that were there to learn about growing their business. And I got to tell you, that was one of the best things I’ve ever done. I was surrounded by veterans being out of the service with the same mission and that was to grow our businesses and and I grew mine. I think, 100%. That following year?”

Listen to the entire podcast between Dave and Chris below!