Application and Admission

program description and eligibility

application and admission

Courses and Certifications

career preparation and professional development

how can i apply to o2o?

Complete the interest form to begin the application process. Please be sure to select the specific program location closest to you. For those not located near one of our program installations, we do acknowledge your interest to participate in the online-only model of the program; please select “Not located near any of the above listed installations” on the interest form (last question on the short interest form).

Enter your unique non-military email address when completing the interest form. (Do not use a shared email address.)

What Resources do i need to participate in o2o?

  • A reliable computer with consistent, high-speed internet.
  • Time! Are you able to dedicate time to keep your participation in this program among your top priorities, given the current and upcoming demands on your time? [Successful participants dedicate about 6 – 8 hours per week over a period of 90 days to complete the online coursework.]
  • Transitioning service members are able to begin the program after separation, if that is better suited for their ability to commit the time. (See “Veteran” eligibility.)
  • Focus and drive to plan and realize your goals relating to your personal success.

i just submitted my online interest form, and i am located near an installation. What’s next?

Please expect follow up via email within 5 business days. (Please be sure to check all folders in your mailbox!)

  • You will receive an email from a member of the O2O installation staff within 1 – 5 days to learn more about all the benefits and expectations of participating in the program.

i just submitted my online interest form, and i am ‘not’ located near an installation. What’s next?

We will review your interest to participate in the online only model. Please look for an email from IVMF Enrollment Services within 3 – 5 business days to:

  • Continue the application process for a future* cohort;


  • Receive request for additional information or notification regarding program eligibility with alternate options.

*Due to volume of requests, as well as planning process, there is at least a 2 – 3 month waiting period. If you submit an interest form today, and are eligible to participate, your interest form will be considered for eligibility to participate in the program starting in three months.

how will i know that i am being invited to continue the application?

Please refer to responses to preceding two questions, depending on whether you are located near an installation, or not.

If eligible, you will receive an email inviting you to complete an assessment. You will need to complete assessment to provide demographic information, your experience, education, career goals and primary course interest.

The email with link to the program assessment will arrive from IVMF Education ( (Please be sure to check all folders in your mailbox!)

The assessment is NOT a test. There is no pass/fail/ranking determination. It is designed to gauge your interest among the various industries, and asks you to identify your education, professional experience and interests; these are important and relevant to you journey in O2O, as well as skills related to our partners’ employment opportunities.

i just submitted my program assessment. What’s next?

If you are part of an upcoming cohort at one of our installations:

  • A member of the IVMF Enrollment Services team will review your application and follow up via email within three weeks.
  • The program coordinator at the installation will inform you of the specific requirements for participating in the program and schedule the start date.

If you are not located near an installation and are participating in the online only model:

  • You will receive a confirmation email which contains a link to a private program web page which outlines the next steps in the application review and admission processes

what purpose does the assessment serve?

The assessment is not a test.

It is designed to gauge your interest in the business information technology training tracks, and asks you to identify your education, professional experience and interests which are relevant to O2O training, as well as skills related to our partners’ employment opportunities.

what documents do i need to upload with my o2o application?

You will be asked to provide one or more of the following:

  • A non-military email address is required for program participation. Do not use shared email address; this needs to be your unique email address.
  • URL to your LinkedIn Profile page
  • Documentation to prove military connection (as requested by installation coordinator or Enrollment Services)If necessary for application review, your résumé 
  • If necessary for application review, Enrollment Services will request your résumé. Please provide a PDF version

why do i have to have a current linkedin profile to participate in the program?

Onward to Opportunity is a grant funded program. We are happy you are here today to take advantage of it for your professional development. LinkedIn profile allows us to evaluate your experience and education during application review so we can add value to your investment of time in this program. We share information with you during program participation, as well as continue to provide resources after you complete the program.

LinkedIn is the primary tool used for networking, professional growth and lifelong employment.

If you do not have a LinkedIn profile yet, one can be created for free by following these guidelines.

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