Vice Chancellor Dr. Michael Haynie Testifies Before New York State Legislature on COVID-19 Implications for Veterans

Mike Hyanie sitting at desk in IVMF testifying for NY state veterans benefits.J. Michael Haynie, vice chancellor for strategic initiatives and innovation and executive director of the Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF), testified before the New York State Legislature on Friday, Aug. 14, during a hearing on the impact of COVID-19 on New York’s veterans.

Haynie testified to the various implications for veterans, as well as the IVMF’s efforts to understand the effects of COVID-19 on the military-connected community. How these challenges and associated needs have been researched and observed nationally can inform relief at the state level, Haynie emphasized.

“Today, our New York state community faces unprecedented challenges. The pandemic has caused massive disruption in our collective health, economy and social stability,” Haynie stated. “Specifically, the pandemic has brought with it two distinct types of impacts. The first is the primary health impact of the virus. However, there is another set of impacts, the collateral economic and social damage caused by a devastating virus and the associated shutdown. The veteran and military-connected community has not been immune to any of these challenges. Indeed, in some ways, this community has been harder hit than others.”

Read the full news story and you can read the full testimony.