
The Evaluation of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Veterans with Mental Health Conditions

The Effects of Negative Emotion and Expressive Writing on Post-traumatic Stress Symptoms

Health and Health Behavior Differences: U.S. Military, Veteran, and Civilian Men

A Randomized Controlled Trial of Supported Employment Among Veterans With Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Expedited Citizenship for Sale: Estimating the Effect of Executive Order 13269 on Noncitizen Military Enlistments

The Impact of Sport and Physical Activity on the Well-Being of Combat Veterans: A Systematic Review

Effective Vocational Rehabilitation Services for Military Veterans

Military Parents’ Perceptions of Public School Support for Their Children

Women Veterans’ Reproductive Health Preferences and Experiences: A Focus Group Analysis

Evaluation of a Family-Centered Prevention Intervention for Military Children and Families Facing Wartime Deployment