Data Brief: Women Veteran Entrepreneurs

Authors: Rosalinda Maury, M.S. | Mirza Tihic, Ph.D. | Najla Almissalati

This brief provides highlights from the 2020 National Survey of Military-Affiliated Entrepreneurs focusing on female veteran entrepreneurs. These findings are based on the data collected from 432 female veteran entrepreneurs, which represents 27% of the respondents that answered the gender question of the 2020 survey. This study monitors trends in the activity, needs, and economic, social, and policy barriers of military-affiliated entrepreneurs in the United States. This annual survey and forthcoming public dataset will be an enduring source of current insights for public and private sector leaders, policymakers, and community-based organization on systemic barriers to and drivers of entrepreneurial success among female veterans and their family members.

To learn more about this study and other briefs, publications, and presentations, please visit our National Survey of Military-Affiliated Entrepreneurs Page.

A Few Key Takeaways

Did you know the top two barriers for female veteran entrepreneurs are lack of capital and lack of mentors for their business?

47% of female veteran entrepreneurs indicate that navigating the resources in local communities is difficult

48% of female veteran entrepreneurs were turned down by lender or creditor when applying for financing

48% of female veteran entrepreneurs started a business because they wanted to help society and support their communities

52% of female veteran entrepreneurs find the certification process as difficult

59% of female veteran entrepreneurs feel that the military has prepared them for their business challenges associated with COVID-19 pandemic

46% were not able to financially sustain themselves with just their business