2020 National Survey of Military-Affiliated Entrepreneurs Dashboard
This dashboard presents the results of the first year of the National Survey of Military-Affiliated Entrepreneurs (NSMAE) and includes data from the 2,554 veteran or military retiree participants in the survey.
This dashboard has several interactive features:
- Hover your mouse over any part of the dashboard to get more information or see tooltip guidance and what else you can do.
- Click the sample button at the top of the main page to see details about the survey demographics and geography of respondents.
- Select a question for any topic on the main page to get a quick view of the top responses, then click on the topic heading to see detailed, full results and explore any follow-up questions for specific items.
- Use the demographic filter to view the results narrowed down by sex or for select racial/ethnic groups.
Maury, R., Tihic, M., Sears, K., McKelvie, A., & Almissalati, N. (2020, Dec). 2020 National Survey of Military-Affiliated Entrepreneurs. Syracuse, NY: Institute for Veterans and Military Families, Syracuse University. https://ivmf.syracuse.edu/nsmae-series/