Taking the First Steps Together
A basic introduction with an overview of the PREVENTS Roadmap, REACH public health campaign, and key recommendations in the Public Health Approach to preventing Suicide.
Watch The Recording.
Actionable Steps for Success
For States just getting started, we’ll break down the PREVENTS Roadmap and guidelines to help you set a foundation for success through recommended actions and strategies.
Watch The Recording.
Leveraging Resources & Tools
For States with active inter-agency task forces that have been working collaboratively with successful results, we’ll show you how to best utilize the newly available resources and tools.
Watch The Recording.
Overcoming Roadblocks and Barriers
A moderated Q&A event on opportunities for interagency coordination and overcoming barriers in implementing successful programs to prevent suicide at the state level.
Panelists include leadership from VA and SAMHSA as well as Dr. Van Dahlen, PREVENTS Task Force Executive Director.
Watch The Recording.
The President’s Roadmap to Empower Veterans and End a National Tragedy of Suicide (PREVENTS) will focus on a holistic public health approach to suicide prevention. PREVENTS seeks to change the culture surrounding mental health and suicide prevention through enhanced community integration, prioritized research activities, and implementation strategies that emphasize improved overall health and well-being.
The goal of PREVENTS is to prevent suicide — among not just Veterans but all Americans. By adopting a holistic public health approach, PREVENTS is acting on the knowledge that suicide prevention is everyone’s business, and that by working together, locally and nationally, we can prevent suicide.
PREVENTS is building on the critical successes of suicide prevention pioneers and agencies working with service members and Veterans. The PREVENTS task force is partnering with stakeholders from multiple sectors, including nonprofits, state and local organizations, Fortune 500 companies, and government leaders, to implement best practices to improve health and prevent suicide.
REACH is about preventing suicide. It is for and about everyone because we all have risk and protective factors that we need to recognize and understand.
When we REACH to those in need, we will provide hope. When we REACH because we are hurting, we will find help. When we REACH, we will prevent suicide.